
The meeting is fully in-person.
It will take place in Auditorium Buffon (Institut Jacques Monod).

Sessions do not correspond to topics. We tried to mix things up as much as possible.
Including Q&A: keynote talks are 40 minutesinvited talks 30 minutes, short talks 15 minutes.

9:15 Welcome coffee

9:30 Opening remarks

9:35 Gaia Pigino (Human Technopole, Milan, Italy) – Cellular Structural Biology: a powerful approach to reveal the molecular mechanisms of cellular processes
10:15 Cédric Blouin (Institut Curie, Paris) – Dia2 formin controls receptor activity by organizing plasma membrane lipid partitioning at the nanoscale
10:30 Paul Conduit (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris) – Spatial control of microtubule nucleation

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Daria Bonazzi (Institut Pasteur, Paris) – Mechanobiology of infection: interplay between pathogen mechanics and host responses
12:00 Meriem Boumendjel (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris) – Centriole rotational polarity is required for daughter centriole repositioning during primary cilium formation
12:15 Juan Manuel Garcia Arcos (Université de Genève, Switzerland) – Actin dynamics sustains spatial gradients of membrane tension in adherent cells

12:30 Ingrid Adriaans (INRAE Jouy-en-Josas) – MreB filament dynamics on bio-mimetic membranes

12:45 Lunch breakPOSTER SESSION

14:45 Jean-Léon Maître (Institut Curie, Paris) – Inverse blebs in an inverse cyst
15:15 Maritzaida Varela Salgado (CRBM, Montpellier) – Phosphorylation of the F-BAR protein Hof1 drives septin ring splitting in budding yeast
15:30 Nicolas Joly (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris) – Modulating Katanin Activity: How Microtubule Binding Influences Cytoskeletal Reorganisation
15:45 Anne-Betty Ndiaye (CEA Grenoble) – What makes a cell one? On the interplay between cytoskeletal self-organization and cell size regulation

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 Marie-Hélène Verlhac (Collège de France, Paris) – Shaping of the oocyte maternal inheritance by the cytoskeleton
17:00 Nagesh Kadam (Institut Curie, Paris) – The Impact of the Tubulin Code on Transport and Morphology in C. elegans Touch Receptor Neurons During Aging

17:15 Buzz Baum (University of Cambridge, UK) – Our archaeal origins

17:55 Closing remarks

18:00 Drinks and discussions

*** List of posters coming soon ***




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